Thursday, August 16, 2012

Summer 2012

We found out we are having a little girl! We are so excited. She is due October 15th. We found out she was a girl on May 30th. It took 45 minutes before she finally let us see what she was. The ultrasound tech gave up trying to find out what she was, but luckily she forgot to take the baby's heart rate so she had to ultrasound me again and she had finally moved and showed us she was a girl!

 Her feet were in her face the whole time and she would not move!

 I got to have another ultrasound 8 weeks later because they didn't get good pictures of her heart, umbilical cord and face. I am now almost 32 weeks. We are so excited to meet her!

 A  patient I took care of for a couple days made these for the baby.

In June we had a little unexpected trip to the ER.

 Then my dad got flown to TMC in Tucson.
 My dad came home from selling a car one day and he was very pale, sweaty, and weak. We checked his blood sugar and it was 379, blood pressure was extremly low, and his heart rate was in the 40's. I tried checking his pulse from his wrist and I couldn't even feel one there. By the time we finally got him talked into going to the ER he was so weak he couldn't stand up. I called 911 and the ambulance came. When they got there his heart rate was 28 and his blood pressure was 70's/40's. When he got to the ER they had to place a temporary pacemaker just so his heart would beat at a normal rate. They flew him to TMC and put him in the ICU. When they got his lab work back they found that his Potassium was 7.0 and that was causing all his symptoms. 

We got a puppy! Her name is Mia and she is a boxer. 

We took a trip to Las Vegas the begining of August. It was really fun! 

We were only pulled over once. It wasn't even for speeding so no tickets!

We only had one small mishap with the trailor.

We got to play a bunch of carnival games at the Excaliber while waiting for our show to start.

They feed you during the show and it is supposed to be like old times so you eat with your hands.

The boys all went to Lake Mead one day so they girls went shopping.

M&M Factory

We did a lot of swimming

I have been dying to see this show. They wouldn't let you take pictures until the very end and it was so dark the pictures didn't come out that well.